A wrapper over `useThrottle` that returns a throttled state.
Search for something above!
This is a simple wrapper over useThrottle that returns a throttled state.
<script lang="ts"> import { Throttled } from "runed"; let search = $state(""); const throttled = new Throttled(() => search, 500); </script> <div> <input bind:value={search} /> <p>You searched for: <b>{throttled.current}</b></p> </div>
You may cancel the pending update, or set a new value immediately. Setting immediately also cancels any pending updates.
let count = $state(0); const throttled = new Throttled(() => count, 500); count = 1; throttled.cancel(); // after a while... console.log(throttled.current); // Still 0! count = 2; console.log(throttled.current); // Still 0! throttled.setImmediately(count); console.log(throttled.current); // 2